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Help & FAQ

Written by Evie Johnny Ruddy, Jada Gannon-Day, Laura Horak, & Kit Chokly.

About the Project

What is the Transgender Media Portal?

The Transgender Media Portal (TMP) is an ongoing project developed by a dedicated team of student scholars, artists, designers, and developers at the Transgender Media Lab at Carleton University, which is situated on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Nations, known colonially as Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. We are also partners with the Humanities Data Lab at University of Ottawa.

The Transgender Media Portal is similar to IMDb but it’s exclusively focused on highlighting the work of trans+ creators. While it isn’t quite complete yet, the Portal will be your access point to explore thousands of trans-made films, television shows, and online videos, providing links to where you can watch them–whether it’s through streaming services, on DVD, or in an archive.

Through the Portal, you will be able to search for media created by specific types of artists, like “comedy films by trans Indigenous artists,” or “music videos by Black transfeminine artists.” Our primary focus is on artists from Turtle Island (North America), but we also feature creators from other regions. We are particularly enthusiastic about showcasing the works of Black, Indigenous, POC (people of color), intersex, and disabled filmmakers. To learn more about the project, visit the Project Overview.

See also:

When are you launching the Transgender Media Portal to the public?

Now! Welcome to the Transgender Media Portal public beta, v1.0. There’s still lots of work to do, though. You can read about the Portal’s current limitations here. We’re a small team made up primarily of students, so we appreciate your patience and excitement as we’re getting ready to share the Portal with you.

If you have any feedback about the Portal, we would love to hear it.

Who runs this project?

Dr. Laura Horak, a film studies professor at Carleton University, is the founder and director of the Transgender Media Lab (TML), which was created as an institutional home for students to research trans+ media-making and build the Transgender Media Portal (TMP or Portal).

Within the lab, the operations team oversees the day-to-day operations of the TML. We also have a Community Accountability, Research, and Data-Wrangling (CARD) team, led by Dr. Horak, and a Design, Infrastructure, and Systems (DSI) team, led by Dr. Connie Crompton, a Digital Humanities professor and Canada Research Chair at the University of Ottawa. All lab members participate in generating ideas and decision making as to how we pursue the goals of the Transgender Media Portal. We document a lot of these processes in our policies, which you can read here.

You can read more about current and past team members here. The majority of our team members are trans+ undergraduate and graduate students or recent graduates.

The TMP also has an all-trans+, majority BIPOC community advisory board that we consult with regularly on lab policies and the design of the TMP.

How is the project funded?

The project is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation, and Trade, and Carleton University.

Do you hire trans+ people?

Yes! The majority of the TMP team is trans+ and gender questioning. It is important to us that the people working on the project are mostly trans+ artists and activists, as we want the portal to be useful to trans+ communities.

In 2020, the TMP team committed to incorporating more BIPOC trans+ leadership at all levels of the project and identified 13 specific steps to implement this goal. As part of these goals, we created a TML Hiring Protocol which prioritizes trans+, Black, Indigenous, racialized, POC (people of colour), disabled, Deaf, neurodivergent, and queer candidates in the hiring process. The TMP Hiring Protocol is listed in the current (2023–2023) Accountability Report.

Since 2020, the TMP has increased the number of BIPOC trans+ and gender questioning RAs from zero to five, with the number of team members increasing from five to 13. As of spring 2023, 69% of the TMP team members are trans and gender questioning, including 38% who are BIPOC trans+ and gender questioning and 31% who are White trans+.

You can read more about the goals we set in 2020 and the TMP’s actions to achieve these goals in our current (2023–2023) Accountability Report.

How do you choose the main image on the homepage?

We choose striking images from films made by BIPOC trans+ creators for the hero image on the home page.

See also:

Current Limitations

Why can’t my screenreader navigate your site?

Web accessibility is more than just a checklist. We strive to make the Transgender Media Portal accessible for everyone and have included alt text for all images in the Portal. We’ve also prioritized screenreader users in our user testing initiatives.

Still, there are some parts of the site which may be more difficult to navigate with a screenreader than others, such as our search and browse filters. For technical reasons, the search and browse page is designed as a form, not a series of buttons. When tabbing through the available filters, use the spacebar to select and unselect filters.

Unfortunately, we have not yet thoroughly tested the Portal’s accessibility on mobile devices using assistive technologies. This is a priority issue for our next version of the Portal.

If you have any comments, questions, or recommendations as to how to improve the Transgender Media Portal’s accessibility, please contact us! We would very much love to hear from you.

Why does the alt text and image description disappear when I view an image at full size?

We’re currently working to develop specific pages for all of our images. These pages will include image titles and descriptions/alt-text. We also hope to include links to the person or media work featured in the photo. Right now, however, clicking on an image returns the full size image without any formatting or alt-text.

We’ve built the Portal using the Project Endings staticSeach generator. StaticSearch makes the Portal lightweight, so even those with low or limited bandwidth internet can use it. It also allows us to keep all the Portal’s data in our own repository in a human-readable format, meaning we aren’t depending on third-party database software like Wordpress or Drupal to store and access the Portal’s contents.

These advantages come with their own complications, though. For example, our search relies on complete words to return its results.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, we recommend scrolling down to see if what you’re looking for is ranked unexpectedly low and using filters and/or custom search operators like wildcards and quotation marks to help narrow your search.

Why are the Portal’s search results ordered that way?

Along with other efforts to customize our staticSearch generator, we’re currently working to improve the Portal’s search functionality so that the results most relevant to your search appear at the top of the page.

For now, however, we’re using the default weighting. This means that media works with titles that match your search term exactly may appear lower than those which do not, which can be quite frustrating! We recommend scrolling down to see if what you’re looking for is listed lower than other items, and using filters and/or custom search operators to help narrow your search.

Can I use search operators in the Portal?

Search operators can very helpful to find specific items in the Portal! Here’s are two common search operators and how to use them in the Portal.

Wildcards (*)

By default, the Portal presumes that all search terms are complete. You can manually add a wildcard character (the asterisk or star, *) to your search term, however. Here are some example search terms and results:

  • wom: All items with the word “wom” on the page
  • wom*: All items with words which begin with “woma” (i.e., “woman”, “women”, “wombat”, etc.)
  • *man: All items with words which end with “man” (i.e., “woman”, “transman”, “mailman”, etc.)
  • w*n: All items with words which being with “w” and end with “n” (i.e. “woman”, “win”, “Wilson”, “weapon”, etc.)

Exact Match (“”)

If you’re looking for a specific media work or person, it can be helpful to wrap your query in double quotation marks (“”) to return only exact matches.

Currently, the exact match operator also matches capitalization, so be sure to capitalize names and film titles.

Information in the Portal

Which media works are included in the Transgender Media Portal?

First off, we only include audiovisual media—films and videos—not other kinds of art or media, like video games, visual art, or comics.

Secondly, we only include works made by trans+ creators, by which we mean works written, directed, and/or produced by openly trans+ people.

However, there are two exceptions to this rule.

  1. Many of the films in our database are from transgender film festival programs. If a trans festival has decided to program a film, we include it, even if it’s not trans-made.
  2. Before the 1990s, there were relatively few films written, directed, and/or produced by openly trans+ people. Therefore, we have also included films made before 1990 in which an openly trans+ person had a major creative role, even if they weren’t the writer, director, or producer.

Where is the information in the Portal coming from?

The information in the Portal comes primarily from trans and queer film festival programs, trans archives, and public websites.

When researching filmmakers and adding data to the Portal, we do our best to:

  • Make sure filmmakers are public in the ways they want to be and not public in the ways they don’t want to be.
  • Only add data that is already public (for example, on a person’s public website or public profile), or given to the TMP with express permission to use it.
  • Not list people’s deadnames.

We also aim for data accuracy by using reliable sources, such as the person’s own webpage or public social media profiles, published interviews with the person, film festival programs, and distributor websites.

Before launching the site, we will notify all of the artists for whom we have been able to find contact information about their entry and provide options for revising, adding, and removing information and photos, or deleting the entry entirely.

How can I recommend a filmmaker be added?

We love learning about trans+ filmmakers and their work! To recommend a filmmaker, send the person’s name and any links to relevant sources about them (e.g. website, biography, IMDb, social media, news articles, etc.) to If you know the filmmaker personally, they can sign up by filling out this form.

For questions about what criteria qualifies someone to be in the Portal, see also:

Can people add/edit/remove information about themselves and their work?

If you find yourself or your work in the Portal, we are happy to add, change, or remove information about you and your work at any time. Send us an email with your name and request to

We cannot guarantee that your request will be addressed instantly due to our team’s size and capacity.

If your request is urgent–for example, you’re being harassed and need your entry removed or we have mistakenly misrepresented your identity in the Portal–send us an email to We will do our best to respond to urgent requests within 2 business days.

See also:

Can people add/edit/remove information about other people and their work?

All of the data entered into the Portal must come from a public source or directly from the filmmaker. If you have a resource (for example, a published interview, bio, social media post, or another form of reliable public information) that contradicts the information in the Portal, we’d be happy to receive it. You can send the correction and any resources to us at

See also:

I’m a filmmaker and exploring my identity. Am I “trans+ enough” to be on the Portal?

We recognize that identity is complicated and challenging to navigate, especially in a sexist social structure wherein which cisgender people and stories are presented as the norm. If you feel that you would like to be found in the Portal as trans+, we are happy to include you. Even if you haven’t settled on a label or found a sense of permanence, we want to recognize you as you want to be found in the database.

Please fill out this form to be added to the Portal.

If you no longer wish to be found in the Portal, we can remove you. If you want to change the terms or images that appear on your page or make you findable in search results, we can change those things at any time. You can reach out to us by email and we can either change or fully remove your entry in the Portal.

See also:

I'm not trans+ but I’d like to be included on the Portal because of X and Y reasons, like hiring a Trans-majority cast. Can you include me?

We can highlight trans+ cast and crew members involved with your film and encourage you to submit them to us via email or by filling out this form. However, we do not go out of our way to add non-trans+ filmmakers to the Portal, even when they tell stories about trans+ people or use trans-majority casts. We have some non-trans filmmakers currently included in the Portal, largely coming out of the research process.

We aim to prioritize trans+ filmmakers in our research process and the resulting Portal to create a project that centres storytelling from trans+ perspectives and enables researchers, film festival programmers, and other artists to access trans+ filmmaking. Click here to learn more about the Portal and its goals.

See also:

I’m trans+ and I’ve worked as a videographer/screenwriter on a film directed by a cisgender filmmaker. Can I be added to the Portal?

Absolutely! We highlight trans+ people in numerous roles in the filmmaking process, including costume design, makeup, videography, screenwriting, editing, animating and many other roles. You bring a valuable perspective to filmmaking and we want to make space for your work. We also encourage you to determine which roles/titles suit you best when requesting to be added to the database or requesting changes to your entry. We want the database to accurately represent both your personal identity and your artmaking. Please fill out this form to be added to the Portal.

I’m a trans+ social media creator (TikToker, YouTuber, Instagram creator, etc.). Can I be added to the Portal?

If you create video content, yes! We welcome creators across platforms, styles, and genres and aim to break down some of the standards and expectations associated with “traditional media” to make way for new types of creators and content. Please fill out this form to be added to the Portal.

See also:

Do you include other kinds of artists (such as visual artists, photographers, musicians, tattoo artists, performers, and game designers)?

We are excited about other kinds of art, but we’re focusing on audiovisual media so that we can do this particular art form justice. If you want to start a similar project for other kinds of artists, we are happy to meet with you to share our experience.

See also:

Are you compensating filmmakers for their inclusion in the Portal?

No, we are a university research team and aren’t generating any profit that we could give to people. However, we hope that by drawing attention to filmmakers’ works, more people will stream, rent, and buy their films and provide more paid speaking opportunities. We don’t stream people’s films or host their content but rather point to the filmmakers and their works.

With funding from federal and provincial grants, we are able to compensate the people who helped to create the Portal and provide guidance, including all of the research and technical assistants, our advisory board members, user testers, and consultants.

See also:

What if I no longer identify with what you’ve listed in the Portal?

We can change your bio, images, or any of the information on your entry at any time. Please contact us at with your name and any changes you would like to make.

If you’re uncomfortable or unhappy with everything on the page, you can also have it removed or remade entirely. We are happy to work with you to ensure that you are being accurately represented in a way that is safe, empowering, affirming, and exciting.

We cannot guarantee that these changes will be made instantly, as our team’s size and capacity will change with time. However, we will prioritize cases like these and take all possible steps to update your page quickly and accurately. If your request is urgent and needs a response within two business days, email

See also:

I'd like my work to be featured but I do not want my name on the website.

We are happy to list your work using stage names, alternate names, or limited information. If you prefer to not have your name or bio included in the Portal, let us know either when filling out this form or by email at and we will feature your work without associating you specifically.

See also:

Accessing Trans-made Films

Will you be hosting audiovisual content in the portal?

No, the Transgender Media Portal isn’t designed to host content, so we are unable to stream films directly from the Portal. When audiovisual content is available online, we will link to websites where films and/or renting or purchasing information can be found.

See also:

Why can’t I watch all the films in the Portal elsewhere online?

The Transgender Media Portal isn’t designed to host content, so we are unable to stream films directly from the Portal. You may be able to find some on mainstream streaming platforms like Netflix or Hulu, but since the films featured in the Portal come from different filmmakers, time periods, and distributors, they each have different kinds of relationships with these platforms. For example, some international films might not be available to U.S. or Canadian audiences on popular streaming services.

Some of the films in the Portal will be rare or totally unavailable to watch at all. Trans+ filmmaking has been heavily censored and erased, and trans+ filmmakers have, historically, been denied the recognition that many cisgender filmmakers have. This is especially challenging for BIPOC trans+ filmmakers. Because of these political and economic challenges related to representation, some of the films in the database were recorded in film festival programs or archives but are difficult to find. We try to provide any relevant information we can find about these films but these entries will serve primarily as a record.

See also:

How can I watch this particular film I’ve found on your site?

Accessing and watching films will vary case-by-case. We do our best to indicate on the film’s page where you can see it. Some will be available to screen online, others to buy as a DVD or Bluray, and others can only be seen by going in person to an archive. If films are not available in these ways, you can write to the filmmaker and ask if they are willing to share their film with you. In many cases, the films are no longer available at all. Most trans+ filmmakers never get the kind of distribution deals that means that their film will end up on a streaming site or even DVD. That’s one of the reasons we started this portal!

Some city or university libraries will have film catalogues available via an in-person collection of DVDs or a digital subscription to services like Kanopy or Hoopla. Some films may also be included as a part of trans film festival programs.

Categories, Terms & Definitions

What do you mean by identity categories?

“Identity categories” refers to the broad ways that we sort and deal with self-identified race and ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, and other aspects of a person’s existence or relationship to power that they consider important. We use these categories to highlight groups who have been historically excluded from or marginalized in filmmaking, whose films have been censored, criminalized, or barred from release to a wide audience.

We don’t want to force people to self-identify if they feel uncomfortable or don’t consider these categories to be essential to their identity and/or filmmaking. For example, if you’re a Black filmmaker who doesn’t want to be findable when a user filters for BIPOC Trans Filmmakers, we will fully respect and honour that, as requested.

What do you mean by trans+?

We use the trans+ category as an umbrella term that includes transgender, transsexual, Two-Spirit, nonbinary, intersex, gender-nonconforming, and those who have traditional Indigenous genders like nadleeh, winkte, māhū, muxe, ashtime, fa’afafine, hijra, kathoey, waria, and many more. If you want to learn about other gender-nonconforming practices from different parts of the world, we recommend you visit the terms page from the Digital Transgender Archive.

We use this umbrella term to represent a wide variety of gender diversity and identity that breaks from cisnormative categories in a way that is still manageable as a searchable category. While we represent the more specific terminology that people use to describe themselves in our search terms, we wanted one term that could allow users to quickly find people who are not cis.

Why trans and not LGBTQ+?

If you look at LGBTQ+ film festival programs or film catalogue entries tagged “LGBTQ+,” the majority of what you will find are works by and about cis gays and lesbians. In response to this tendency, we wanted to create a resource that would make it easier to find work specifically made by trans+ people.

How are you defining Two Spirit?

We don’t consider ourselves experts on Two Spirit identity or the many community/nation-specific identities that all fit into this bigger “umbrella” term. We use Two Spirit to reflect how Indigenous people are describing themselves, their communities, their roles, and their identities.

In doing so, we recognize that Two Spirit is many things to many different people; building community resistance, Two Spirit people across Turtle Island draw from their varied ancestral teachings and traditions that have been attacked and suppressed by settler governments. Two Spirit is, thus, a cultural, political, and spiritual identity through which Indigenous people across tribes, nations, communities, and states identify their relationship to the land, Creator, and their community.

We aim to represent this complexity to the best of our ability while also honouring the cultural specificity of the term and the many meanings it represents. At the same time, we recognize that the core of our project is transness, in which not all Two Spirit people see themselves. As a result, when adding filmmakers to the database, we focus on Two Spirit people who also describe themselves as trans, non-binary, or gender nonconforming or who have expressed that they are comfortable with this terminology. We don’t want to impose ourselves or our western view of gender onto traditional identities and recognize that a project with “Trans” in its name that is run primarily by non-Indigenous academics has limitations. We try to point to Two Spirit-led organizations to support and engage with as they fight for sovereignty.

Read more about our approach to Indigenous genders here. We are open to critique or correction on how we are using these terms; please contact us.

Why do you include intersex when not all intersex people are trans?

While intersex is different from trans, we included intersex within the broad umbrella of “trans+” because both trans and intersex people (and intersex trans people) are fighting for bodily autonomy against a system that too often defines sex and gender in limiting, punitive ways. The plus in trans+ is meant to include a broad coalition of people including intersex, Two Spirit, and gender-nonconforming people who may not identify as “transgender” at all. Openly intersex filmmakers are even harder to find than openly trans filmmakers, so we felt that it was important to include them in this project.

What do you mean by BIPOC?

BIPOC is a term that brings together many different Black and Indigenous people and people of colour as a political coalition. It includes people who have experienced racial discrimination and belong to a range of racial and ethnic identities.

Some of these identities include:

  • Black
  • Indigenous
  • Native American/First Nation/Métis/Inuit
  • Latinx/Hispanic
  • East Asian
  • South Asian
  • Southeast Asian
  • Pacific Islander
  • Middle East/Southwest Asia/North Africa

People can identify with multiple categories or may not fit into any specific category. Using the term “BIPOC" doesn't mean we're ignoring or erasing the unique experiences of racialized and colonial oppression that individuals within these groups have faced.

What do you mean by Deaf & disabled?

Our definition of disability is not limited only to those who identify themselves as disabled or living with a disability. It also includes anyone who has experienced barriers to accessibility, ableism, audism, sanism, and suicidism. This includes, in the words of disability justice performance project Sins Invalid,

people with physical impairments, people who are sick or chronically ill, psych survivors and people with mental health disabilities, Deaf people, Blind people, people with environmental injuries and chemical sensitivities, and all others who experience ableism and isolation that undermines our collective liberation.

What do you mean by audiovisual content?

Audiovisual content includes films, videos, and web videos. We welcome work across platforms, styles, and genres and aim to break down some of the standards and expectations associated with “traditional media” to make way for new types of creators and content.

Do you include pornography in the Portal?

Erotica and pornography by and for trans+ people have been important arenas for trans+ audiovisual creativity and have long been programmed at trans film festivals. Therefore, we do include trans-made pornography in the Portal.

However, we recognize that some users do not want to encounter erotic or pornographic imagery or films. Therefore, we don’t post nude images on the website. We're currently developing a method to allow users to exclude content they don’t want to find, such as porn, nudity, sex, or violence.

See also:

Safety & Security

How quickly can you edit or remove a page?

We will do our best to respond to urgent requests within 2 business days. All urgent requests can be sent to

All other requests can be sent to We cannot guarantee that non-urgent requests will be made within 2 business days due to our team's size and capacity.

See also:

Do you have content restrictions around images you use?

Yes. We do our best to select images that artists have used to represent themselves, and we are mindful about choosing images that best align with what we know about the person’s presentation and identity.

For images of people, we will not use the following in the Portal:

  • paparazzi photos, candid images, or other private photos;
  • images from before a person’s transition;
  • whitewashed or lightened images of BIPOC artists;
  • edited photos that poorly represent the person;
  • images that degrade or disparage the person in the photo;
  • photos of trans+ people depicting graphic anti-trans, racist, misogynistic, or ableist violence. For instance, if we find an image of a person who has been victimized, we will not use that image.

For images from films and film posters, we will avoid:

  • using images of excessive harm or violence inflicted upon oppressed people;
  • taking sensitive and vulnerable scenes out of contexts.

For all other images, including archival images, images of venues, logos, etc., we will not:

  • modify or falsely represent the image of an organization, group, or business by modifying or misusing their logo or images of their building.

Read more about our image ethics protocols here.

See also:

Do you have content restrictions around the terms you use?

The Portal uses the filmmakers’ own words from their bios and websites to describe their identities on their display pages. We do not censor or edit filmmakers’ self-descriptions.

Are you selling the data to a third party?

No, we do not and will not share or sell any data with third party platforms or companies, including OpenAI and associated companies. Since the website is public, though, we cannot ensure that data will not be copied, saved and/or used by others outside of their intended purpose. You can read our terms of use here.

Will the private information of people in the Portal (email, etc.) be secure?

Everything in the Portal comes from either publicly available sources (interviews, public social media, filmmaker websites, film festival programs) or the filmmaker has shared the information with us with the intention of making it public. We do not share private information from or correspondence with filmmakers. We are taking steps to protect email addresses, private messages, and other correspondence for internal use only, meaning this information will only be available to active team members of the Transgender Media Lab.

Region & Availability

Why are you focused only on the US and Canada? Will you ever add other regions?

We are better able to amplify filmmakers from this region because the team creating and updating the Portal is based out of the US and Canada, with knowledge of and connections to it. That means that we have deeper connections to local communities and resources to better address any questions challenges we encounter related to this region.

If we were to expand too quickly or without community partners, we risk misrepresenting them or reinforcing colonial and orientalist traditions in our terminology, descriptions, and ways of managing our data. We will expand the database to other places in the future if we can find appropriate partners within other places who have the expertise and community connections who want to help us do so.

Why is the website only in English?

The website is only available in English because the research team creating and updating the website, Portal, and its policies work primarily in English. We, unfortunately, do not currently have the capacity or time to fully translate the website or documents. We felt it was better to focus on creating content in plain language English for users to translate as needed than to potentially incorrectly translate into languages that we may not fully understand.

Can I contact you in a different language?

We cannot reliably respond in a different language.

Getting Involved & Finding Support

I’m a trans+ artist. How can I find money to support my work?

We have highlighted some relevant resources for trans+ creators on our Find Support page, including BIPOC trans+ specific and general trans+ filmmaker resources. The resources on this page are more general in regards to their location and breadth. However, filmmaking grants and other funds are often tied to a specific region. We recommend that you search for funding sources and programs in your province, state, territory, or community. Funding can also be connected to film festivals, to local colleges and universities, or to independent organizations. Other grants may require relocation.

While our limited capacity prevents us from regularly updating our Support Trans Artists page with individual project fundraisers, many filmmakers will use crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe, Kickstarter, or Indiegogo to fund and promote their films. You can send your crowdfunding links to to have them added to the page.

How can I help support the Portal and how can I get involved in this project?

Opportunities to get involved with the project will vary and are often time-sensitive. The best way to keep up with the project, our engagements, and opportunities to get involved is to sign up for the mailing list and/or follow our social media pages, which we will be updating as needed.

We tend to operate with a small research team, so job openings won’t likely be frequent but, alongside sharing on our social media and to our mailing list, we will share any opportunities on the lab’s news page.

I want to hire a filmmaker featured on your site. How can I do that?

We encourage you to use filmmakers’ websites and social media pages to reach them. Some filmmakers will include contact forms and professional contact information on these pages when they are available.

Media Requests & Collaborations

Can you promote my film?

We’d be happy to add your film to the Portal if you’re trans+! Email information about the film to

If you tag us on social media (Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter) we’ll do our best to “like” and repost it.

See also:

Can you promote my event/book/art?

Tag us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and we’ll do our best to “like” and repost it!

See also:

Can you come present (in my class, at a conference, etc.) about this project?

We have given presentations in classes, at conferences, and at other events, both as individual team members and as a full team. Depending on the nature of the engagement, how it aligns with our politics/ethics, and whether it fits into our team members’ schedules, we may be able to present the project. Email us at with a brief description of the event/class and any related web pages, if applicable, and we will consider it.

We prioritize speaking at BIPOC and Trans-led events, organization, and courses, particularly in grassroots and community-based initiatives but are open to various types of events.

Note that our team is spread out across North America and, as a whole team, can most easily present at virtual or hybrid events.

Can I interview you for a story I’m writing on trans issues?

We are a team of researchers and tech experts creating a searchable website of trans filmmakers and their works. We are not experts on all things trans and therefore likely not the best source for articles on such issues as trans health care, trans immigration, trans athletes in sports, and so on. We specialize in trans-made films, trans media representation, feminist lab ethics, BIPOC trans community relations, and social justice digital humanities projects.

If you are working on a story about any of these topics, you can send your request, along with your deadline, to and we’ll do our best to get back to you before your deadline!

Whom should I contact to discuss potential collaborations, partnerships, and/or sponsorships?

The TMP has sponsored film screenings and partnered with film festivals, community organizations, researchers, instructors, and schools. If you would like to inquire about the TMP sponsoring your screening or event, or if you would like to partner or collaborate with the TMP, send us an email at with your request.

Contact & Feedback

What is the best way to contact you for questions or issues?

Although we are active on social media (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter), the best way to reach us is by email.

If your request is urgent–for example, you’re being harassed and need your presence on our site to be removed, or we have mistakenly misrepresented your identity in any way–send us an email to We will do our best to respond to urgent requests within 2 business days.

For all other questions or issues, send us an email with your request to

See also:

Are you active on social media platforms?

Yes! We are active on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can follow us or like our page, tag us in your posts, and send us direct messages via social media. However, the best way to reach us regarding questions or issues about the Portal is to send an email at

You can learn more about our social media guidelines and protocols by reading our TMP Social Media Policy.

How long does it typically take to receive a response to my inquiry?

We do our best to respond to urgent requests in a timely manner. However, we cannot guarantee that non-urgent requests sent to will be addressed instantly due to our team’s size and capacity.

If your request is urgent and has been sent to, we will do our best to respond within 2 business days.

What can I do if I need urgent assistance outside of regular support hours?

The best way to reach us for urgent assistance is to send us an email with the request to We will do our best to respond to urgent requests within 2 business days.

Who can I contact if I'm experiencing technical issues with the Portal?

If you’re experiencing technical issues with the Portal, send us an email with details about the technical issue to If the issue is urgent, send us an email to We will do our best to respond to urgent requests within 2 business days.

Can I provide feedback or suggestions about the Portal? Who should I reach out to if I have ideas for improving the user experience?

Yes! We welcome feedback and suggestions about any and all aspects of the Portal and the work of the Transgender Media Lab. You can send your ideas and feedback by email at You can also send us a message on social media (Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter).

My question was not answered in this FAQ. Where can I get more information?

Send us an email at with your question and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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