A person looks into the camera shirtless with short black hair and dark purple red
lipstick. They are holding a yamaka over their left eye and have yellow nail polish.
They have a white and black tallit resting on the back of their head and going down
on their shoulders.
Bubby & Them is a docufictional short video about the relationship between two liminal
members of the Lower East Side Orthodox Jewish community: Je’Jae, a genderqueer college
student, and Razi, their adoptive grandmother. The movie examines how the two femmes
support each other in their struggles, share space, and create a chosen family.
FilmFreeway. “Bubby & Them.” Accessed August 4, 2023. https://filmfreeway.com/BubbyandThem.
Daniels, Je’Jae Cleopatra. “The ‘Bubby’ Who Welcomed This Queer Mizrahi Jew.” Hey
Alma, February 15, 2022. https://www.heyalma.com/the-bubby-who-welcomed-this-queer-mizrahi-jew/.
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