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Sydney & Kim
2023, 16 minutes
Media type
Country of origin

United States of America

Technical specs




Content Warnings
Two people are lying next to each other on a blanket, each with their hair splayed out loosely onto the floor above their head. The person on the left has long light brown hair, is wearing clear glasses, and wears a black-and-red tank top. The person on the right has long brown hair, a black-and-red tank top with a different design, and fishnet-arm sleeves. The person on the left is lighting an object with a lighter that they are holding in their right hand. The person on the right has their arm laid out across their chest, reaching gently towards the object being lit. They are both looking at the object as it gets lit.

SYDNEY and KIM is a film about the demise of a close friendship, exploring how sickness and debility transform what we hold most dear. After 25-year old Sydney is released from the hospital following a major facial surgery, her best friend Kim cares for her at a motel during her recovery. As Kim's flirtation with the motel manager escalates, Sydney's resentment begins to boil over. Through intimate moments in their motel room, Sydney and Kim navigate the implicit expectations of their friendship.

“Sydney & Kim,” IMDb, n.d.,

Cast & Crew