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Devin Michael Lowe
he/him they/them

Devin Michael Lowe is a light-skinned Black person with a beard and curly hair. His hair has black roots and blond tips. They wear spiral taper earings, a couple gold chains, and a mesh shirt.

Devin Michael Lowe is a light-skinned Black person with a beard and curly hair. His hair has black roots and blond tips. They wear spiral taper earings, a couple gold chains, and a mesh shirt.

Devin Michael Lowe is a community organizer invested in the liberation of Black trans people from the constraints of capitalism, white supremacy, and cis-hetero-patriarchy. As a queer, transgender man, he holds a passion for moving resources to his community, and is committed to helping to create a world where Black trans people are not just seen, but respected, protected, supported, and valued. As an actor and media producer he has worked on multiple productions that focus on the lived experiences of trans people, including in his current role as a Community Media Organizer for Black Trans Media. With an understanding of the need to center the most marginalized, and for trans masculine people to be working in communal solidarity to support Black trans women, Devin is the founder and Executive Director for the Black Trans Travel Fund.

LinkedIn. “Devin Lowe,” n.d.

Devin Michael Lowe is a first generation Jamaican-American, a queer man of color and person of transgender experience. Originally from Houston, Texas, now based in NYC. Devin is an actor and media producer, creating content that highlights the lived experiences of queer, transgender & gender non-conforming folk, with a special focus on Black folks and other communities of color. Co-founder of the Trans Filmmakers Project, Devin is part of a collective of dedicated professionals in the film and new media industry, who’s mission is to empower aspiring filmmakers of transgender experience, by providing them with the education and resources needed to develop their abilities and create their own media. Devin is the Executive Producer on a documentary currently in production, called “Redefining Masculinity”, that focuses on masculinity from a Black trans-masculine perspective. He is both an actor and associate producer on “The Garden Left Behind” (2019) a film scheduled to debut at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Tx. He is also currently the host of “Trans-masculine & Healthy”, a new web-series developed in partnership with Callen-Lorde and the New York City Department of Health that focuses on physical and mental healthcare for trans-masculine identified folks. Devin is the lead facilitator for multiple trans masculine support groups throughout New York City that focus on self-care, political education, and redefining & centering healthy masculinity. He also helps to run “Healing Through Arts”, a general TLGBQ+ support group, where folks participate in various cathartic and revolutionary art forms while learning about their impact on political movements.

Invisible Men. “Devin Lowe,” 2022.

As the number of Black trans women murdered each year continued to rise, Devin Michael Lowe decided to act. In June 2019, he founded the Black Trans Travel Fund "out of direct response to the relentless and unacceptable violence" against Black trangender women. The organization has raised $60,000 to ensure Black transgender women safe travel in the New York/New Jersey area, with plans to expand into other states. For his far-reaching work, the Jamaican American's portrait was featured in the Caribbean Equality Project's "Queer Caribbeans of NYC" retrospective, part of an exhibit last year that marked the 50th anniversary of Stonewall. Among Lowe's other achievements is his work as associate producer of The Garden Left Behind, a film revolving around the life of a Latina trans woman. At its debut, it made history as the winner of the Audience Award at the 2019 SXSW Festival. Currently, Lowe is executive-producing Redefining Masculinity, a documentary that tells the story of the Black trans masculine experience.

The Root. “The Root 100-Devin Michael Lowe,” n.d.

Devin Michael Lowe is a Black Jamaican-American of trans experience based in New York City. He is a budding artist in the independent movie scene, producing short films and documentaries and acting on camera, as well as a model for trans and Black urban apparel. In addition to his creative ventures, Lowe is an activist. He is a Community Media Organizer for Black Trans Media (on Twitter @BlackTransMedia), a project that aims to curate social media posts and host (currently online) events that brings Black trans communities together and value their contributions to the work towards racial and gender equality. More notably, Lowe is the founder and CEO of the Black Trans Travel Fund. The fund is a grassroots effort to provide financial and material resources to Black trans women in the New York and New Jersey area to ensure they have access to safer travel options. When even mainstream famous Black trans women are attacked on the street for being themselves–as Laverne Cox herself recently was–access to safer resources for getting around like the Black Trans Travel Fund provides is imperative to Black trans well-being. Since its inception in 2019, the fund has grown to provide assistance for 150 trans women per month in two states, and plans to go national and international. On their site, BTTF provides ways to contribute to the fund and how to apply for funding. Devin Michael Lowe is a prime example of someone challenging and empowering trans communities, someone who values Black trans survival and excellence and is worth aspiring to as a trans person and listening to as a cis ally.

Trans Well-Being. “Trans POC Spotlight: Devin Michael Lowe,” November 30, 2020.
  • Spot

    film/video, 2017
