Jai's life motto is staying vulnerable, tender, and fierce. They have a BA in Gender
and Women’s Studies, Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies, with a minor in LGBT
Studies. Their past works include their short film called My Femme Is A Reflection
has been shown at QWOCMAP and the SF Trans Film Festival. It is a film which is about
a survivor's journey in learning to lean into their femmeness. They have been part
of the Queer Emerging Artist Residency and performed at their Call Them In: A #DignityInProcess
Artivist Dinner. They have been part of TAKEOVER: Kristina Wong which showed at the
Asian Art Museum as part of the Pokémon Socialist Go group.
Asian Pacific Islander Transmasculine Anthology. “Jai Lei Yee,” n.d. https://www.apitransmasculineanthology.com/team.