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Amanda Cordner
she/her they/them

Amanda Cordner is Black and non-binary with light brown skin. They are posing in front of a white background in a yellow cut sweatshirt and black jeans. They have a buzzed head with black hair.

Places of practice

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Amanda Cordner is Black and non-binary with light brown skin. They are posing in front of a white background in a yellow cut sweatshirt and black jeans. They have a buzzed head with black hair.

Amanda Cordner is a Toronto-based creator and performer. Within her company Madonnanera, Amanda and creative partner David di Giovanni developed and toured the award-winning solo show Body So Fluorescent across North America. Madonnanera’s second show, Wring the Roses, was featured in Why Not Theatre’s RISER Project in 2019. Amanda is also pursuing a career in film and television as a creator and actor. Her company adapted Body So Fluorescent into a short film in 2020, which was presented at the Inside Out Film Festival and won the Emerging Canadian Artist Award. TV credits include Sort Of, The Expanse, and Baroness von Sketch Show.

Playwrights Canada Press. “Amanda Cordner.” Accessed October 15, 2023.
CBC Listen. “How Playing 7ven on Sort Of Helped Amanda Cordner Live a Little More out Loud | Q with Tom Power | Live Radio,” November 23, 2022.“‘Sort Of’ Star Amanda Cordner on Season 2 and Black Non-Binary Representation on TV | Xtra Magazine,” November 17, 2022.